
Breakfast Salad

Parenting is so weird. Everyone warns you during pregnancy with things like “you will never be more tired in your life” “parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do” – and yes, these are all true BUT you freaking love it all. All of the dirty, messy, exhausting shit. You. Will. Love. It. All.…

Happy New Year!

With 2022 underway, I have been thinking a lot about this past year. I know 2021 has been a year so many do not want to repeat. I feel super fortunate that for me, this past year has been my most amazing yet. The start of the year was extremely difficult – my husband and…

Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

These potatoes are super simple and delicious! They taste great on their own without any additional toppings, however the macros are so great that you could easily add some fun things like butter, sour cream, or BACON! Ingredients: -1000g of peeled and cubed Russett potatoes (this was 4 for me) -459g frozen cauliflower florets (1…

Welcome Guys!

Hi! I am Angela, I created this site so that I could easily share some of my favorite recipes, and new mama thoughts. You will quickly notice that I am 100% NOT a chef, my recipes are simple, and those that have helped me on my fitness journey prior to having my son Mason and…

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